Solving real world problems

Learn how we were able to help depending on use cases.

Security Vendors

Security teams have 10s to 100s of tools and systems generating relevant security data. Vendors face challenges in reliably getting access to this data leading to findings that lack the full context of an organization’s security picture. Building custom connectors, managing integrations, and normalizing data is resource-intensive, costly, and prone to scaling issues. Without a unified data view, findings lack full context, creating coverage gaps and undermining security outcomes.

Vulnerability Management

Too much noise, too little context. Vulnerability management teams are flooded with irrelevant findings that delay remediation of the most important findings. Without critical context—exploitability, asset ownership, etc.—teams are shooting in the dark leaving high-risk issues unresolved. The result? Alert fatigue, low morale, and unpatched, truly critical vulnerabilities.

Security Operations

Security Operations teams are overwhelmed by noisy data, alert fatigue, and data wrangling, making it difficult to identify and respond to real threats. With rising data volumes and costs for ingestion, storage, and compute, teams struggle to gain full visibility into their security landscape and focus on what matters most.